Thursday, November 10, 2011


We wrote an exposititory writings in class. Please enjoy.
WOW, I bet you don’t know anything on pugadors. They are a pug and lab mix and Ill tell you about there physical features, of what makes them a mammal, and other facts. Pugadors are amazingly cute. They are originally from china also.
Pugadors are amazingly cute. They have a tannish tint to there fur and some have a black muzzle with two black ears and a curly tail. According to it says that pugadors can get up to 2-3 ft tall and17-24lbs. The physical features of a pugador can make it more adorable and to figure out what types of combined dogs in it.           
By making a pugador a mammal one thing is that they breathe through their lungs and that instead of being born from an egg they are born alive. Instead of have colts or cubs they have puppies. Pugadors can have up to 1-3 pups at a time. Pugadors move around or travel by their paws or in purses. Most pugadors live in common households. Some animals have cold blood in them but these dogs have warm blood. If you want to find out more please read on.
Pugadors protect themselves by growling, snapping, and clawing at there predator. I don’t think that most pugadors are endangered. The internet knows that there not the most popular dogs in the world but there not endangered. Pugadors will eat mostly anything that you give them. They eat meat such as pork, beef, deer, and jerky. Pugadors also eat dog food, grass, sticks to keep there teeth sharp, and cat food. The mammals are really, really hyper and love to play and bite with there sharp and kind of dull baby teeth.   
            So now you know most stuff about my topic, the pugador. I hope you learned a lot about this mammal. Maybe you already knew some stuff on this dog and maybe you didn’t but, im glad that ive tried to teach you something. Adios, my friends.

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